My Voice Coach

Site Map

My Voice Coach - Site Pages

Our Home Page - Our home page.

Renee Grant-Williams Legacy - Preserving and sharing her works and techniques for the next generation of singers.

Free Video Voice Lessons - Renee's Free video voice lessons and newletter.

Renee's Blog - A collection of Renee's articles, videos, and other contributions.

Renee's Bio - Renee's biography.

For the Media - Media information about Renee.

Clients List - A listing of some of Renee's clients.

Testimonials - What Renee's clients say about her techniques and training.

TV Spots - Television appearances.

Products - My Voice Coach products. Master Class, Vocal Warm-Up and more.

The Art of Singing Online Flipbook - Renee's The Art of Singing online flip book.

Master Class - Renee's live recording of her famous Master Class.

Daily Vocal Warm-Up - Vocal Warm-Up for singers.

60 Tiny Tips for Singers - Renee's 60 tiny tips for singers flip book.

Speaking With Emphasis and Conviction - A program for speakers.

Voice Power - Renee's book Voice Power.

My Voice Coach Merchandise - My Voice Coach merchandise.

Are Video Voice Lessons Right For You? - Renee explains how to qualify them.

The Importance of Warming-Up Your Voice - Renee discusses how to coordinate your brain, body, and voice.

Only Perfect Practice Makes Perfect - Renee gives avdice on why and how to practice, including a few tips on rehursals.

Elvis and Me - Renee's techniques and Elvis' connection.

What's the Big Deal with Breathing? We all know that we need to move some air in order to sing, but why are the particulars so important?

Cheeseburger Collection - Renee's famous cheesburger collection.

High Notes are a Singer's Bling - Renee shares five tips that will help ensure that both the high and low notes hit the jackpot.

Great Microphones for Under $100 - Renee lists her top five microphones, under 100 dollars, for live performance.

Tips For a Healthy Voice - Renee shares 6 tips to keep your voice healthy.

Tips For Conquering Stage Fright - Renee gives you six tips to help you become more prepared and less anxious, conquering stage fright.

Tips For Killer High Notes - Renee gives you the tools you need to hit and hold killer high notes.

How to Sing the Star Spangled Banner - Renee shares six tips to help conquer this song with such a wide range.

Contact - Contact Us.